Speed Center
Vi vet vad som krävs.
At Speed Center, specialists in training, health and rehab are all gathered under one roof. Whether you are an elite athlete or an exerciser, a visit to Speed Center will help you find out what it takes to reach your goals. We helped Speed Center to clarify their services and find the core of the brand identity – including a new logo, symbol, updated imagery and tonality. In order to present it all to the market, we also designed their new website.
→ speedcenter.se
Client: Speed Center.
Björn Melin & Teemu Laine.
Team: Ny Studio.
Jonna Lundsör (Art director), Mats Fäldt (Copywriter), Pelle Evertsson (UX lead), Henrik Melkner (Project manager), Pernilla Ljungbergh (Project manager), Martin Hèrma (Photographer).